About Us


A Creative Agency with Unique Perspective and Passion

At Our Core…

We are all about Touch-Interactive Marketing solution design.

Since 2005, E-Port Systems Inc. has been a developer of interactive digital media marketing solutions for a variety of market applications. We specialize in Touch-Interactive Marketing to help you connect with your customers onsite and offsite while collecting valuable data. We work with our clients to create effective interactive marketing campaigns, and our development team creates exciting and dynamic user-friendly interface to engage the consumer. We don’t leap into design or technology as the answer to your problems but first wrap our heads around your own goals and objectives. We recognize that any solution we come up with has to address these goals on several layers, taking into account; the public, the location, and your own business model. With a unique perspective and your objectives clearly in hand, our forté is being able to see many different opportunities to connect you with your consumers while driving profitable and cost-effective business marketing solutions. In today’s rapidly changing tech-media landscape, effective user interactive strategies can repositions brands, shift thinking, and provide real quantitative results. We are incredibly proud of the impact our ideas have had. From empowering nine 2010 Olympic Venues that engaged and thrilled the public (collecting over 150,000 contacts) to creating a beautiful museum game for children, to developing a mobile web app that helps educate youth about the effects of asthma and sports, to designing giant touch displays in Real Estate presentation centers, E-Port has created effective solutions as varied as the needs of our clients. We rise to each occasion with passion and unwavering commitment.

Our Team

Joel Burke, BA. BSc., MSc. President & General Manager

With over 20+ years digital-media and entrepreneurial experience, Joel Burke is the chief systems strategist and founding partner of Vancouver based E-Port Systems, Inc./E-Port Interactive Media. Joel oversees all aspects of product development and application & business modeling. His previous involvements included the founding of a private vocational multimedia school chain in 6 cities across Canada, (Applied Multimedia Training Centres) which ultimately went public on the VSE, and later CDNX. At their height, the schools were considered Western Canada’s largest private multimedia trainer, 2nd only to the Bell Centre in Toronto. In the early 90s, Joel founded digital post-production companies in Winnipeg and Calgary, (Burke Associates, & Showtime Videowall Promotions), considered a leader of onsite digital advertising in it’s time. Joel completed a B.A. (’80) from the U. of M., followed by a B.Sc.(’83), & later an M.Sc.(Health Sciences) (Wpg ’92).

Minty Thompson, B.A. Vice President & Partner, VP of Business Development

Minty has over 25 years of business management, marketing, production management, promotion and graphic design experience. She has owned businesses in Edmonton and Vancouver. In her past, Minty worked as a graphic designer with several ad agencies in Vancouver including: Westgraphika,(Karo), J Walter Thompson, DDB, Palmer Jarvis, McCann-Erickson, McKim etc. Minty has extensive management experience in the marketing and promotion of several small businesses, as well as in the film industry and non profit sector in Vancouver. As a partner in E-Port Systems Inc., Minty has been directly involved in the development of all E-Port applications. Minty also heads up the production management of client projects and provides a close client liason to ensure the highest quality of all client work. Her attention to detail and strong communication skills make her a valuable asset to any production.

Samm Cooper, BS.(Assoc) Chief Technical Lead

Samm Cooper has been a software developer, since the age of 6. Over the years, he has also worked as a director of photography, a VFX artist and installation artist. Working with clients such a Molson, The City of Brampton and National Steel Car, his technical wizardry and creative process have turned many insurmountable tasks into finished products. He now applies his holistic, autodidactic skills to creating compelling, user-focused touch screen applications.

Baillie Burke, B.A. Business development

Baillie has worked management positions in graphics and agency environments in NY, Calgary, & Vancouver. She was assistant director at Applied Multimedia Training Centres (AMTC/Winnipeg & Calgary), and carried management level work-loads in all facets of the company. With a variety of government and corporate contacts, Baillie provides valuable input to various prospecting initiatives for specific projects in both Winnipeg & other cities, and possesses the requisite communication skills to participate in high-level corporate & government negotiations. Baillie is a junior partner and shareholder.  